2979 Quarry Rd, Pebble Beach, CA 93953





2979 Quarry Rd, Pebble Beach, CA 93953





2979 Quarry Rd, Pebble Beach, CA 93953


2979 Quarry Rd, Pebble Beach, CA 93953


2979 Quarry Rd, Pebble Beach, CA 93953

Back to Our Story 

  • Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis​

  • Background in Counseling Psychology and Nursing Leadership​

  • 15 years Telemedicine/Health technology ​

  • Clinical Trial Development & Funding​

  • Project, Team & Technology Mgmt

Michelle Burke, MA, PhD is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of AsyncHealth and a Professional Researcher in Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Sciences at the University of California, Davis.

Dr. Burke has a focus on health services research and has published broadly in the field of telemedicine and digital health. She has a strong record of research and publication in leading telemedicine/digital health, medical and psychiatric journals. Her scientific contributions have been broadly cited.

She is passionate about improving digital health services and is a key member of the pioneering team that has developed and researched asynchronous telepsychiatry at the University of California Davis. 

Michelle Burke, MA, PhD